ONCO Emergence Forum, Barcelona, Spain, on June 21st -22nd, 2018.
ONCO Emergence Forum, Barcelona, Spain, on June 21st -22nd, 2018.
Workshop on Molecular Biology, Cancer and Bioinformatics, Pamplona, Spain, on 16th of May , 2019
Final Meeting, Toulouse, France, on June 20th-21st , 2019
Workshop Bioinfo/Biostat, Toulouse, France, January 17th - 18th, 2018
Workshop one: Towards the implementation of personalized complex care project in obese oncologic patients: managing soft evidence issues, Coimbra, Portugal, September 7th - 9th, 2017
The ONCONET kick-off meeting, Toulouse, France, October 6th - 7th , 2016
Oncothon, Granada, Spain, November 12th -13th, 2018
ONCO Pharmacovigilance Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, Spain, January, 24th -25th, 2019