European cooperation network in oncology
ONCONET SUDOE is an European cooperation project in oncology, coordinated by the University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier and co-financed by INTERREG SUDOE Programme 2016-2019, under the priority “Promoting research, technological development, and innovation”.
It seeks to connect researchers, care providers, diagnostic platforms and companies to set long-term relationships that foster innovation in the oncology sector.
It seeks to connect researchers, care providers, diagnostic platforms and companies to set long-term relationships that foster innovation in the oncology sector.
General objective
The general objective of the ONCONET SUDOE project is to analyse and compare professional practices and public health policies regarding cancer prevention, diagnosis, therapeutic innovation, and medical data processing in each region of the ONCONET SUDOE network.
This approach may give rise to the pooling of certain resources and the homogenization of professional practices.
Specific objectives
- To mutualize and to share resources, skills and means of access to innovation in the field of oncology
- To exchange good practices, to reach a sufficient critical mass in the field of research and to harmonize therapeutic practices
- To promote the emergence of innovation in the field of oncology in order to reduce inequalities in access to care
Collaborative projects
The collaborative projects bring together at least two transnational partners (academic or industrial) from France, Spain and Portugal.
They aim at setting up innovations in the oncology field.
They aim at setting up innovations in the oncology field.